John 14:15-21 Soon after God created Adam, God noticed that the man was lonely. Feeling sorry for him, God decided to fix the problem by creating animals and sending them one by one to Adam. Adam gave them names, but his loneliness didn’t go away. Not even the dogs, who are our best friends, nor the cats, who can be good companions – just don’t have too many of them – could fill the void that Adam was experiencing. Interestingly enough, not even Adam’s relationship with the Creator would suffice, and so God decided to create a companion who was perfectly fit for the man. When Adam saw the woman, he said to God: you got it right this time. She’s bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh. This creation story reminds us that deep within us is a need to be in relationship with others like ourselves. Of course, we’re all different and so the way in which we experience relationships is different. Some of you are extroverts and yo...
Sermons of a Disciples Preacher Ministering in Troy, Michigan