Matthew 16:21-28 Yesterday, at our retreat, which Alex led with great wisdom and wit, we “played” a few games, and after each game our facilitators had us debrief our experience. We talked about how felt and what we learned, with a special focus on what these experiences said to us about the way the church works. We actually did this several times, and each time we would talk about our feelings and our insights about the way we communicate with each other and as a church. One of the important lessons learned had to do with listening, and to listen we have to stop talking! For some of us, that’s not easy to do! But as the Psalmist wrote: “Be still and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10). Jesus would debrief his disciples on occasion, especially after a big event, like feeding a few thousand people with a couple of loaves of bread and a few fish. He would also gather them up after a teaching session. So, as Jes...
Sermons of a Disciples Preacher Ministering in Troy, Michigan