Mark 1:21-28 Jesus walks into the synagogue at Capernaum, immediately heads to the pulpit, and without so much as asking for permission from the synagogue leaders, starts preaching. After that, the place falls into chaos. That’s because, no sooner had Jesus started preaching, when suddenly, a man stood up in the sanctuary, and started shouting Jesus. The man, whom Mark says was possessed by an evil spirit, screamed at Jesus, demanding to know what Jesus would do with “us?” Are you going to destroy us? After all, “I know who you are.” Yes, “you are the holy one of God.” Picture yourself in such a congregation. How would you have responded to all of this commotion? Would you have been amazed and shaken, as Mark suggests was the case for this congregation? I expect that like us, this congregation liked things to be done “decently and in order.” What would you make of both the preacher an...
Sermons of a Disciples Preacher Ministering in Troy, Michigan