1 Samuel 17:57-18:5 What is a friend? In the age of Facebook, that’s not as easy to answer as it was before the advent of Social Media. I have nearly a thousand Facebook friends, but truth be told I’m not quite sure who many of them are! Still, I’ve found Facebook to be a wonderful way to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Of course, we’ve always known that there are different levels of friendship. Some can last for a week at camp and others a lifetime. Some are extremely close and others are more distant. But this need to make friends is a reminder of what God observes in the Garden – It’s not good for humans to be alone. I know that Facebook or Twitter isn’t for everyone, but we all find ways of connecting and reconnecting with others. That’s the reason many go to reunions. We like to keep rekindling old friendships. But, it’s not enough to keep old friendships alive, we have continu...
Sermons of a Disciples Preacher Ministering in Troy, Michigan