James 3:1-18 The song “Pass It On” starts with the words: “It only takes a spark to get a fire going.” If that fire is the love of God that warms the hearts of everyone who experiences God’s presence, then it’s a good thing to pass on to others. But not every fire is the same. There are also fires that can be very destructive, so you have to be careful with those kinds of sparks. Early in life I learned how destructive fires can be. When we lived in Mount Shasta, in northern California, we lived next door to a Fire Control Officer for the Forest Service. When he was home, Mr. Gray’s green Forest Service pickup sat parked at the curb, ready to go at a moment’s notice. We knew when there was a fire, because all the green pickups in the neighborhood headed out at the same time. Most of the fires occurred some distance from town, but on at least one occasion a fire started up on the mountain behind us, and we watched the flames lick the e...
Sermons of a Disciples Preacher Ministering in Troy, Michigan