Mark 10:32-34 Jesus took the lead on their journey toward Jerusalem. Perhaps he was in a hurry to get there, but the disciples lag behind. They seem to be caught up in the moment. It could be that this was their first visit to Jerusalem. There in front of them was the big city and the Temple. They’d heard about this Temple many times, and when they saw it in real life, it seemed even grander than they had ever imagined. Remember they didn’t have cameras back then. But it wasn’t just the grandeur of the Temple that grabbed them. There were also the rumors that a violent fate awaited Jesus in Jerusalem. Jesus had even brought up the subject himself. So, it’s no wonder that they wanted to take their time getting to Jerusalem. Because they didn’t know what lay ahead of them, they were filled with mixed emotions – both amazement and fear. When Jesus realizes that a gap was beginning to form, he stops and take...
Sermons of a Disciples Preacher Ministering in Troy, Michigan