Matthew 26:26-29 It is stewardship season once again. This means that the council members are making out budgets to fund next year’s ministries. The budget covers things like church maintenance, staff salaries, and funding for the ministries and mission we engage in. Budget-making requires both realism and faith. We can’t spend more than we take in through pledges, offerings, and endowment earnings, which means that if you’re not up-to-date on your pledge – Wynn Miller would like to see you! After all, we can’t pay our bills with promises of future income. At the same time the budget needs to be a document of faith. It needs to tell a story about our vision as a congregation. While we’ve not yet developed what is called a Narrative Budget that focuses more on the mission than numbers, our budget should express a vision for mission and ministry. So, when we write a budget we need to leave some room to grow in our generosity and vision for mission. ...
Sermons of a Disciples Preacher Ministering in Troy, Michigan