Matthew 25:31-46 We’ve all faced a judgment day or two. It might be a call to the principal’s office or maybe the boss’ office. Whomever it was who called you in, you knew that it wouldn’t be good news. The day I got called into the President’s office at the college where I was teaching, I knew something was wrong. After all it was June, and school was out for the summer! Here in Matthew 25 we encounter an apocalyptic vision of humanity’s judgment day. The Son of Man comes in glory and gathers the nations, separating the sheep from the goats. This scene has its roots in the visions of Daniel and Ezekiel . Jesus picks up on these visions to point us toward the day of judgment, when the reign of Christ will be fully established, and things will be set right. Today is the last day of a church year that began with the promise of Advent and continued on through the life and death and resurrection of Jesus, an...
Sermons of a Disciples Preacher Ministering in Troy, Michigan