Psalm 29 Have you heard the voice of God lately? Did you hear it in the “still, small voice” that spoke to Elijah? ( 1 Kings 19 ). Did you hear it coming out from a burning bush? Did you hear it in the thunder and lightening of the recent storms? Do you hear God speaking through Scripture or maybe through conversations with people of wisdom and grace? Last Sunday we celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit, who empowers and inspires the church for mission. We listened to the words of Romans 8, hoping to hear a word from God. In that passage, Paul writes that when we don’t have words to speak, the Spirit interprets our groans and sighs to the Father ( Rom. 8:22-27 ). That must mean God hears our voices. That is good news, but what about us? How do we hear God’s voice? As we gather this morning on what the liturgical calendar calls Trinity Sunday, we are invited to contemplate the very nature of God. We are invited to ask the question: Who is God? As we ask th...
Sermons of a Disciples Preacher Ministering in Troy, Michigan