William Holman Hunt's "The Light of the World" Matthew 3:1-12 Someone’s Knocking at the Door, Somebody’s Ringing the Bell Someone’s Knocking at the Door, Somebody’s Ringing the Bell Do me a favor and open the door and let em in. (Paul McCartney) Paul McCartney’s song might not be your typical Advent hymn, but it does capture the essence of this morning’s reading from the Gospel of Matthew. It would appear that someone is knocking on the door of our lives. So, will you open the door? Now, if you open the door, the person knocking could be John the Baptist who wants to warn us that change is in the air. The person bearing this message might seem a bit off-putting. According to Matthew John was an interesting character who dressed in camel skin clothes and toted a lunch pail full of locusts and honey. This is the message John brings to those who open the door: "Change your hearts and lives! Here comes the kingdom of heaven!” (Mt. 3:2, CEB). ...
Sermons of a Disciples Preacher Ministering in Troy, Michigan